Kotak MF Jitne Sapne Utni SIP 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of ICICI Pru Bond IDCW Qly

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
24-12-2024 11.4244
23-12-2024 11.4243
20-12-2024 11.4121
19-12-2024 11.4097
18-12-2024 11.4262
17-12-2024 11.4215
16-12-2024 11.4252
13-12-2024 11.4218
12-12-2024 11.4177
11-12-2024 11.424
10-12-2024 11.4251
09-12-2024 11.4208
06-12-2024 11.4074
05-12-2024 11.4279
04-12-2024 11.4259
03-12-2024 11.4149
02-12-2024 11.4143
29-11-2024 11.388
28-11-2024 11.3629
27-11-2024 11.3561
26-11-2024 11.351
25-11-2024 11.3527
22-11-2024 11.3369
21-11-2024 11.3428
19-11-2024 11.3456
18-11-2024 11.3388
14-11-2024 11.3268
13-11-2024 11.3347
12-11-2024 11.3358
11-11-2024 11.3364
08-11-2024 11.3336
07-11-2024 11.5362
06-11-2024 11.5336
05-11-2024 11.5351
04-11-2024 11.5301
31-10-2024 11.5176
30-10-2024 11.5186
29-10-2024 11.507
28-10-2024 11.5005
25-10-2024 11.5044
24-10-2024 11.5101
23-10-2024 11.5105
22-10-2024 11.5018
21-10-2024 11.5019
18-10-2024 11.506
17-10-2024 11.5129
16-10-2024 11.5155
15-10-2024 11.5148
14-10-2024 11.5079
11-10-2024 11.4997
10-10-2024 11.4986
09-10-2024 11.4994
08-10-2024 11.4799
07-10-2024 11.4658
04-10-2024 11.4651
03-10-2024 11.4847
01-10-2024 11.4965
30-09-2024 11.4877
27-09-2024 11.4764
26-09-2024 11.4869
25-09-2024 11.4752
24-09-2024 11.4644
23-09-2024 11.4594
20-09-2024 11.4525
19-09-2024 11.4513
17-09-2024 11.4354
16-09-2024 11.4399
13-09-2024 11.4199
12-09-2024 11.4083
11-09-2024 11.3982
10-09-2024 11.3852
09-09-2024 11.3819
06-09-2024 11.3756
05-09-2024 11.3734
04-09-2024 11.3707
03-09-2024 11.3636
02-09-2024 11.3581
30-08-2024 11.3591
29-08-2024 11.3586
28-08-2024 11.3581
27-08-2024 11.3544
26-08-2024 11.3586
23-08-2024 11.3497
22-08-2024 11.348
21-08-2024 11.3449
20-08-2024 11.3401
19-08-2024 11.3336
16-08-2024 11.3246
14-08-2024 11.3243
13-08-2024 11.3124
12-08-2024 11.3109
09-08-2024 11.3058
08-08-2024 11.4856
07-08-2024 11.491
06-08-2024 11.4855
05-08-2024 11.4899
02-08-2024 11.4649
01-08-2024 11.4531
31-07-2024 11.4461
30-07-2024 11.4422
29-07-2024 11.4488
26-07-2024 11.4348
25-07-2024 11.4227
24-07-2024 11.4108
23-07-2024 11.4056
22-07-2024 11.4046
19-07-2024 11.4001
18-07-2024 11.3969
16-07-2024 11.3925
15-07-2024 11.3826
12-07-2024 11.3743
11-07-2024 11.374
10-07-2024 11.3725
09-07-2024 11.3667
08-07-2024 11.3635
05-07-2024 11.3538
04-07-2024 11.3507
03-07-2024 11.3472
02-07-2024 11.3406
01-07-2024 11.3356
28-06-2024 11.3334
27-06-2024 11.3331
26-06-2024 11.334
25-06-2024 11.3393
24-06-2024 11.3439
21-06-2024 11.3356
20-06-2024 11.3282
19-06-2024 11.3294
18-06-2024 11.3199
14-06-2024 11.3097
13-06-2024 11.3073
12-06-2024 11.2925
11-06-2024 11.2894
10-06-2024 11.2787
07-06-2024 11.2812
06-06-2024 11.2786
05-06-2024 11.2653
04-06-2024 11.249
03-06-2024 11.3139
31-05-2024 11.2809
30-05-2024 11.2702
29-05-2024 11.2654
28-05-2024 11.2753
27-05-2024 11.4714
24-05-2024 11.4611
22-05-2024 11.4554
21-05-2024 11.4338
17-05-2024 11.4142
16-05-2024 11.4226
15-05-2024 11.4117
14-05-2024 11.3964
13-05-2024 11.3878
10-05-2024 11.3763
09-05-2024 11.368
08-05-2024 11.3654
07-05-2024 11.3703
06-05-2024 11.3817
03-05-2024 11.3496
02-05-2024 11.3394
30-04-2024 11.3185
29-04-2024 11.3154
26-04-2024 11.3071
25-04-2024 11.3036
24-04-2024 11.3111
23-04-2024 11.317
22-04-2024 11.2982
19-04-2024 11.2735
18-04-2024 11.3023
16-04-2024 11.2897
15-04-2024 11.3021
12-04-2024 11.2911
10-04-2024 11.3282
08-04-2024 11.3026
05-04-2024 11.3208
04-04-2024 11.3307
03-04-2024 11.3217
02-04-2024 11.3172
31-03-2024 11.3478
28-03-2024 11.344
27-03-2024 11.3241
26-03-2024 11.3062
22-03-2024 11.2978
21-03-2024 11.3178
20-03-2024 11.2884
19-03-2024 11.2874
18-03-2024 11.2939
15-03-2024 11.3036
14-03-2024 11.3118
13-03-2024 11.3129
12-03-2024 11.3182
11-03-2024 11.3217
07-03-2024 11.3015
06-03-2024 11.2856
05-03-2024 11.2807
04-03-2024 11.2774
01-03-2024 11.2722
29-02-2024 11.2596
28-02-2024 11.2614
27-02-2024 11.2577
26-02-2024 11.2586
23-02-2024 11.4979
22-02-2024 11.5046
21-02-2024 11.5125
20-02-2024 11.5006
16-02-2024 11.4717
15-02-2024 11.4774
14-02-2024 11.4591
13-02-2024 11.4654
12-02-2024 11.4627
09-02-2024 11.4473
08-02-2024 11.4635
07-02-2024 11.4641
06-02-2024 11.4514
05-02-2024 11.4497
02-02-2024 11.468
01-02-2024 11.4562
31-01-2024 11.4102
30-01-2024 11.4028
29-01-2024 11.3952
25-01-2024 11.3831
24-01-2024 11.3766

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